What Games to Play, and Why

Once you make your selection of which casino to play in, the next thing to do is select the games you should play. As I am sure you are aware, the house has an advantage in every game, and that is how they make money.

But a bit of simple research on your end before you get started, cannot only tell you which games have the lowest house edge, but they can tell you how to lower them even more by using some proven strategies from gambling professionals.

Research the Casino

In today’s “Information Age”, knowledge is power, and that power can also help put more money in your pocket.

The first place to start is the casino itself. If it is an online casino, check the website for the payout percentages. All reputable sites will have them posted. If you are visiting a land-based casino, they will usually provide them if you ask the Floor Manager

Research the Games

The most obvious thing you will notice about the payout percentages is you should stay away from KENO.

I once had a discussion with a Las Vegas Casino Manager, and he was telling me that NO ONE had hit a Keno jackpot in his casino — EVER! They have been in business for over 25 years.

“You have a better shot at getting struck by lightning, than hitting a Keno jackpot,” he said. I would have to agree.

That is not to say you can’t make money playing the game, hitting 3 or 4 numbers, but for the purposes of this article, let’s stick to games with better odds for you.

Play the Percentages

Upon reviewing the odds closely, you will notice that it is Blackjack and Let-it-Ride Poker that provide the greatest payout percentages in most casinos. The reasons are pretty simple, there is some skill involved on your part to play these games properly. This leads me to my next topic of improving your odds with different strategies, and lowering the house’s edge.

There are tons of reference material available on the Internet if you know where to look. Again, most legitimate online casinos will have listings of such references usually located in their own tutorial sections of how the games are played.

On a personal note, I truly believe that a player that does his or her homework to find which games to play based on the best payout percentages, and then does their due diligence to locate and implement good proven strategies, makes a better, long-term, player.

After all, the idea is to play for a long time, enjoy, and also to flirt with the prospect of walking out of the casino with more money than you came in with. Be Smart… Have Fun!

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